You Selected the Following Unit:
Unit Type
Unit Size
Door Type and Unit Features
Monthly Rate
Promo Details
Promo Monthly Rate (Expires After Promotion)
Please Enter Your Details Below to Complete the Reservation
Each unit requires a lock which may be purchased onsite.
Please wait while we process your reservation, this can take up to a few minutes. Thank you for your patience.

Self Storage Protection Plans
Move-in Date:
Itemization of your Move-In Costs
If your moving in between the 2nd and 20th of the month, you will be charged a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the month. If your moving in between the 21st and the end of the month, you will be charged a pro-rated amount + next month’s rental rate.

Move-In Costs:
Unit Size
Unit Type
Other Unit Specifications
Monthly Rent Rate
1st Month's Rent
2nd Month's Rent
Total Rent Due Today
Monthly Tenant Protection
1st Months Tenant Protection
2nd Months Tenant Protection
Total Tenant Protection Due Today
Admin Fee
Security deposit
Total Move in Costs
Submit Payment & Sign eLease
Please enter your tenant and payment information, please note a copy of your ID is needed for verification.
Processing... please wait while we prepare your lease and process your payment, this can take a minute or two. Do not hit the back-button or refresh, your move-in will not be complete until you sign your lease. Your patience is greatly appreciated.